The most chilling movies and TV shows about cults

Whether fictional or factual, they really show the darker side of human nature

Stars Insider

10/08/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Curiosities

Cults tend to fascinate us and draw us in with the same morbid curiosity that serial killers do. The popularity of true crime media has reached an all-time high in recent years, as we become more and more obsessed with the dark extremes of human behavior. Cults are even more terrifying than murderers because they don't just involve one person's terrible deeds. A cult leader manages to convince dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people to follow them, sometimes into violence and tragedy. 

Click through the gallery for a definitive list of the best TV shows and movies about cults. Some are documentaries, some are dramas based on real cults, and others are totally fictional.

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