The student loan burden in the United States

Americans owe US$1.6 trillion in student loans

Stars Insider

15/01/25 | StarsInsider


According to Time Magazine, student loans in the United States are “punishing and unsustainable.” The over US$1.6 trillion in student debt is an extraordinary amount of money that is stifling the lives of families all over the country. Very few families are able to save the amount of money necessary to send their children to college without relying on some sort of loan or financial assistance. Worse yet, the amount that families must save is ever-growing as it's impossible to predict how much college tuition will cost in the future. The amount of debt that families and individuals are taking on continues to be crippling, even with President Joe Biden's parting gift: the forgiveness of debt for 150,000 borrowers.

To learn more about the realities of student debt in the US, click through the gallery. 

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