9 facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg

What makes the Supreme Court Justice so iconic?

9 facts about Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Stars Insider

05/04/18 | StarsInsider

FAMA Ruth bader ginsberg

You've seen the memes and heard her name, but do you know what makes Ruth Bader Ginsburg a feminist and political staple? Putting the supreme in Supreme Court Justice, at 85 years old, Ginsburg has accomplished incredible feats. Originally reported by AJ+, check out these nine facts about Notorious RBG:

1. She has had an enormous influence in the fight for women's rights.

2. Ginsburg has inspired countless people around the world to have an interest in political action and law.

3. In the 2013 Voting Rights Act case, she wrote a stern dissent to protect southern voters who are discriminated against to this day.

4. Ginsburg has faced decades of gender discrimination. She was banned from certain Harvard libraries just for being a woman.

5. Next, she attended Colombia Law School and graduated at the top of her class.

6. She can multitask. While in law school, Ginsburg was raising a young child and taking care of her husband who became very sick.

7. The Justice has battled and survived cancer—twice.

8. Her nickname while growing up was Kiki.

9. At 85 years old, Ginsburg is the most senior Supreme Court Justice.

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