Who is Ken M?

The internet troll that is so wrong, it's right.

Who is Ken M?
Stars Insider

14/02/18 | StarsInsider

ESTILO DE VIDA Internet troll

The art of internet trolling has moved far away from its original intention. An internet troll is someone who comments absurd, off-topic statements to provoke the online community. However, what is supposed to be hilarious, random discord has recently been equated with harassment.

Ken M. is perhaps one of the most celebrated internet trolls of all time. His presence does not offend, but merely confuses. He is the kind of troll that people want around.

One time, Ken M decided to call the outside skin of a potato a shell, and the response was incredible.

Another time, he invented the newest workout gadget, the "fitpit."

As an active internet troll since 2011, Ken M has been a source of comedy and confusion to digital platforms everywhere. He is most popular on Reddit, where he has achieved what most trolls only dream of, a subreddit with 400,000 subscribers. His Facebook page bio lists him as a “professional dirtpig,” and he has 85,000 likes. 

In an online world where rhetoric often takes an aggressive turn, Ken M remains a beacon of comedic oddities. Keep an eye out for his comments.

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