What if there was a 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' cartoon series?

Everyone do The Carlton!

What if there was a 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' cartoon series?
Stars Insider

01/02/18 | StarsInsider

TV Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Did you love ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’? If so, would you be really excited to see an animated version?

There’s no known plan in the works at this time, but if there was, Will Smith might be on board. He recently posted cartoon/comic artist Howard Russell’s cartoon drawings of the whole Fresh Prince gang on Instagram, saying, “Now THIS is what’s up! I had to post this hot piece by @thesketchlab. Never thought about FP in terms of animation.”

Until now, that is! 

Russell responded to the share with another post of his own, saying, “I can tell you, there is no current show being worked on at the moment. I merely hope my work just planted a seed. Fresh Prince is an iconic show, we all loved it.”

Maybe one day someone will put this into motion>
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