The troubled love story of Rita Hayworth and Prince Aly Khan

When the Playboy Prince met the Love Goddess

Stars Insider

26/06/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Relationships

In 1949, a highly-publicized marriage between a well-known Hollywood star and a prince captivated the world. This prince, Ali Khan (though he became known as Aly Khan due to the media constantly misspelling his name), was next in line to the Aga Khan dynasty. Although the Aga Khans didn't hold any political power, they served as influential spiritual leaders for the Ismaili Muslims, boasting a following of 20 million devotees. However, their lavish lifestyles seemed more befitting of European royalty than religious figures.

Prince Aly Khan, in particular, caused mounting concerns due to his notorious reputation for globetrotting adventures, gambling, horseriding, lion hunting, and dalliances with women. His most famous romance was with the renowned Hollywood icon, Rita Hayworth.

To delve into the details of their passionate and troubled love affair, browse through the gallery.

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