Lindsay Lohan befriends a Korean arm wrestling champion

His nickname is the "Korean Hulk"

Lindsay Lohan befriends a Korean arm wrestling champion
Stars Insider

12/02/18 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's new celebrity best friend is a Korean arm wrestling champion who goes by the "Korean Hulk." Je-Yong-Ha has giant biceps, and can allegedly bench-press a mid-sized sedan.

The two met in Mykonos, Greece and became travel partners and best friends. Rumors were circulating that the two were dating. However, Je-Yong-Ha told GQ that the two friends laughed at the press about it. "I was at home watching TV when I got a message from Lindsay. She told me to Google her name. When I searched her name on Google, there were tons of articles about us. Lindsay and I laughed hysterically at this," he said.

"Korean Hulk" splits his time living between Dubai, Seoul, and Moscow, while Lohan recently spends her days in Dubai and London. 

The two are definitely best friend goals.
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