Pope Francis' natural enemy

For almost every one of his public appearances as Pope, the Catholic leader is bombarded by gusts of wind!

Stars Insider

24/05/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Pope francis

Pope Francis is renowned for his personal charm and good sense of humor, which he often displays whilst fulfilling his official duties as leader of the Catholic church. These attributes also come in handy when he seems to consistently come up against an inconvenient troublemaker during quite his public speeches and outdoor appearances: the wind.

Strong gusts of wind seem to accompany the pontiff on many occasions, blowing his liturgical garments over his face and body, and sometimes blowing his skullcap right off his head! 

It appears that this inconvenient element won't leave him alone, becoming the Pope's first natural 'enemy'. 

To prove just how enduring this battle between man and nature has been for the pontiff, check out this fun photo gallery.

Campo obrigatório

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