Officials tackling false images and rumors surrounding LA fires

A fake image has been spread of the Hollywood Sign on fire

Stars Insider

13/01/25 | StarsInsider


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Los Angeles Fire Department are working to debunk false rumors and misleading visuals about the wildfires in California.

FEMA has had to reactivate its online rumor response site due to misinformation, while the Fire Department has been forced to take to X to refute claims that they were calling on the general public to help fight the fires. Misleading visuals have circulated on the internet, including AI-generated videos of the Hollywood Sign in flames. Old videos have also been presented as new ones and misleading images have led to a wave of online conspiracy theories about how the fires began.

According to Jason Davis, a research professor at Syracuse University, this new approach to debunking misinformation has come as a result of AI and social media, which can spread more realistic misinformation more quickly. He also commented that in the case of the wildfires, "Officials can't just ignore it because there are real consequences …The stakes are too high."

Access to timely and accurate information can be the difference between life and death during a natural disaster. Increasingly, in risks of hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and other disasters, communities rely on what they hope is reliable information in order to make critical decisions. But the rise of misinformation can create confusion, panic, and cause people to make choices that put their lives at risk.

So, how does false information undermine efforts to manage emergencies? Click through this gallery to find out more.

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