Dramatic celebrity hair transformations

Celebrities who have undergone dramatic hair makeovers

Stars Insider

28/10/21 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Hairstyles

How many times have you thought about chopping your long locks in favor of a new shorter hairdo? Many celebrities had that same impulse, and went for it.

Demi Lovato has experimented a lot with their appearance over their career, but their 2021 dramatic chop is the one with the most meaning. "I feel so free. I feel more authentic to who I am," Lovato said.

They admitted to Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show, "I used to use my hair to hide behind. It would cover my body. So when I started doing all this work on myself, I thought, 'What is something that I've been holding onto my whole life that I need to let go of?' And it was that. I feel more myself now."

Click through to see which other celebrities who have undergone dramatic hair makeovers. 

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