The strange rules and traditions of the British royal family

Will King Charles adhere to the same customs as his mother?

Stars Insider

25/06/24 | StarsInsider


All royal families must have some sort of rules to ensure they live up to the gravitas of their roles. Dignity and privacy are of the utmost importance to the British royals, and there are many protocols new members have to learn. It must have been a real culture shock for Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle!

After Queen Elizabeth II's passing on September 8 2022, Prince Charles became the next King of the United Kingdom, now called King Charles III. Elizabeth's reign started in 1952 and lasted 70 years, so naturally, the crown continued to operate as it had in the 20th century in many ways. Will the new King Charles follow the rules in place, or shake things up? 

Many of the royal traditions followed up until now make perfect sense, but some are totally bizarre and archaic. Click through the gallery to see some of the most interesting customs of the British royal family. 

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