Actors who always make a bad movie better

They redeemed the seemingly irredeemable!

Stars Insider

07/01/25 | StarsInsider


Not every movie can win an Oscar. Sometimes, we just want to watch something fun and silly without having our minds blown or tears brought to our eyes. Thankfully, there are plenty of movies out there that hit that sweet spot between gentle entertainment and total trash. Oftentimes the storylines are lacking, but there are a few great actors that always know how to spice it up and get a laugh. It certainly says something special about an actor's skill and general personality when they can give an enjoyable and memorable performance in almost any movie.

This list is in honor of those who might not be on magazine covers every day but deserve serious kudos for their special charm and consistent performances. Click through to see the top actors that have a magical talent for making bad movies bearable.

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