Foods that help combat stress, anxiety, and depression

Food can be an important ally in preventing certain health problems

Stars Insider

30/09/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Stress

Symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as high levels of stress, are common in people all over the world. Not only do these afflictions take a great mental toll, they can also manifest themselves physically—in weight gain. Unfortunately, stress-induced weight gain is a very real thing.

When your body is under a high amount of stress, it releases the hormone cortisol, which leads to a rise in appetite. How does this happen exactly? Essentially a higher cortisol level creates higher insulin levels in your body and a drop in blood sugar, which is the perfect combination for junk food cravings to ensue.

Dr. Jason Perry Block told WebMD, “This happens, in part, because the body releases chemicals in response to food that might have a direct calming effect.”

What's more, according to Women’s Health Mag, there are several other habits that stressed people do which lead to weight gain.

Anxious people are often not getting an adequate amount of sleep. A lack of sleep, like stress, contributes to your body producing more cortisol. Let the snacking begin...

People who are stressed out are also more likely to emotionally eat and skip out on regular exercise. Not to mention forgetting to eat when you’re busy at work, which slows your metabolism and makes it more likely for you to binge later on in the day.

While these are all difficult cravings to overcome, what if you could use food to help you minimize some of your symptoms and improve your mood? Instead of going for comforting junk food, try to grab one of these healthier options. You never knew food could have this much of an impact!

Click through this gallery and find out how to use the power of these foods to improve your day-to-day life!

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