Why are certain foods only eaten at breakfast?

You'll be surprised at who's making the decisions...

Stars Insider

14/06/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Curiosity

Bacon and eggs, cereal and milk, sausage and biscuits, toast and coffee...

Are you thinking of breakfast? If you’re from the Western world, these are foods often reserved for the "most important meal of the day," with some restaurants going so far as to only sell them between certain hours. It's even made "All Day Breakfast" a tantalizing offer.

But why is there a category of food reserved for the mornings, and who decided what that would be? There are a host of influences that have shaped the concept of breakfast, and you’d be surprised how many ideas of healthy breakfasts have been informed by marketing schemes. Click through for a look at how some foods became beloved breakfast staples. 

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