Become a coffee master: Brewing techniques unveiled

The perfect blend awaits!

Stars Insider

10/07/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Drinks

Brewing the perfect coffee can sometimes feel like a complex science experiment that we should leave up to the baristas with their fancy machines. That doesn't always have to be the case, though! You'd be surprised how easy and fascinating the world of coffee and the art of brewing can be. Finding the ideal ratio of water to coffee beans, looking for the perfect coffee beans that have been roasted in a way that suits your palate exactly, or using a unique brewing method with equipment that looks like it comes out of a modern-day sci-fi film—coffee can be an adventurous world for the avid connoisseur!

Intrigued? Swipe through to become a master of the art of coffee brewing and transform what was just a cup of coffee into THAT cup of coffee.

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