![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_677c2834887fc.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651acb0f244b6.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c9fc3a0043.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_66df162625367.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651acc98be5aa.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651ae3f3856d9.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651be72b89f34.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651ae4d55a353.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c279b569b1.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651be99f9e6ff.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651bcc6f9e911.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_66df16a504995.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651bebafa7632.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651bf020ad0cd.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c0d88504e9.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c09ed4cd34.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c00bddf6bb.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_66df16f6d6007.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c1c3183a0c.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c23d425eac.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_66df176796ff2.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c10775176f.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c2bf4964a3.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c083f0143b.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c224aeb181.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c202d46f73.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c215d81b29.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c2a4eb7b8d.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651bf12b1d868.jpg)
![30 of the best ways to improve your mental health](https://media-manager.starsinsider.com/gallery/1080/na_651c293bc8d25.jpg)
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© Shuttershock
0 / 31 Fotos
Eating healthy foods
- Eating healthy food via proper dieting is one of the key components to improving one's mental health, as junk food typically contains chemicals that go directly to the brain and will bring your energy levels down.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
Eating dark chocolate
- Turns out that dark chocolate naturally lowers blood pressure and boosts the hormones that make us feel good inside. Studies have proven that chocolate contains neurochemicals that help stimulate the brain, with serotonin levels being altered when we eat it.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
Little to no alcohol consumption
- Numerous studies throughout the last 40 years have shown that alcohol consumption negatively affects our mental health by increasing stress levels and anxiety. Under the influence of alcohol, people have been known to have violent tantrums or worse. Cutting back on alcohol is definitely a great step in the right direction if you are seeking to improve your mental health.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
Being well rested
- Sleeping well is absolutely necessary for one's mental and physical well being. Studies have shown that going to sleep early and sleeping eight hours a day improves one's ability to perform, with these individuals having more energy and better moods than those who either go to sleep late or get a lack of sleep.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
Getting 15 minutes of sunshine
- If you're working in the dark corners of your house, office, or any indoor facility for hours on end, and feeling both anxious and stressed as a result, then perhaps it's best to take some time out of your day to get 15 minutes or more of sunshine in order to relieve yourself of that stress and anxiety that's dragging you down. Studies have shown that doing this improves your mental health and overall behavior for the better. Not to mention that being out in the sun affords people plenty of vitamin D!
© Shutterstock
5 / 31 Fotos
Practicing meditation
- Practicing meditation can greatly improve one's mental health, as it gives people a sense of calm and relaxation. Breathing in and out stimulates the nerves and muscles, and the emotional state is heightened as well.
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
Exercising regularly
- Daily exercise drastically improves one's mental health, as endorphins are released as you move your body and break a sweat or two. Numerous studies have showcased the positive results of daily exercise, especially if one does so in the early morning.
© Shutterstock
7 / 31 Fotos
Change of scenery
- Exercising and meditating regularly are both productive habits for our mental health. However, sometimes it's best if we have a change of scenery. Being in the same place for too long may depress and demotivate us if there long enough, whereas changing scenery will give us more motivation, and increase our sense of excitement.
© Shutterstock
8 / 31 Fotos
Exploring nature
- Research has shown that being around trees reduces stress, anxiety, and depression levels greatly. Our overall mood improves for the better, and cognition is also improved as well. As such, the benefits of exploring nature every so often cannot be understated.
© Shutterstock
9 / 31 Fotos
Time management
- One of the fundamental issues that affect our mental health on a daily basis is time management. Many of us struggle to manage our time wisely, and our mental health will take a turn downward as a result. Better time management will reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with the pressure of a deadline at work, for instance.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
Choosing a daily routine and sticking with it
- Daily routines reduce anxiety and stress levels for us because with a schedule, the sheer weight and pressure of the day won't be so crushing.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
Listening to calming music
- Calming music, no matter what genre, is also known to reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that listening to calming music sends signals to the brain that both calms the nerves and lowers heart rate, providing a release of dopamine as well.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
Being creative
- Some people like to write poems, others enjoy making crafts for fun. When we partake in a creative activity that is fun for us, it also reduces stress and anxiety levels, as we are caught in the moment of that creative activity.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
Learning a new hobby
- Aside from doing something creative that we might enjoy, one of the things that will improve an individual's mental health is picking up a new hobby. Experts have pointed out that hobbies reduce blood pressure and lower heart rate and, with that, stress and anxiety levels are reduced as well.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
Positive self-talk
- In the modern age, many people struggle with what is called negative self-talk, which will plague them with doubts about who they are and what they're capable of doing in life. A better way for individuals to improve their mental health is to engage in positive self-talk that lifts their spirits in order to help them get through the day.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
Identify the causes of your stress and anxiety
- One of the fundamental basics of improving mental health is identifying the source of where the stress and anxiety are coming from. We often try to go on self-improvement journeys without getting to the very root of why our mental health is in dire straights to begin with.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
Being in a healthy relationship
- Relationships can go two ways. There are those that are toxic and negative, and thus worth leaving. Then there are those that are healthy and worth keeping. Being in a relationship with someone can come with enormous benefits, not only via reduction of stress and anxiety, but also ranging from being physically healthier and living a longer lifespan, as well as having higher self-esteem.
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
Investing in and maintaining positive friendships
- The psychological benefits of maintaining healthy and positive relationships with people we care about cannot be understated. It is human nature to want to belong to a group. The people around us will help in times of need, keep things in perspective, and give us a sense of belonging and purpose. Friends are people we share commonalities with in terms of values, interests, etc., and, thus, stress and anxiety levels will naturally reduce with friendships that are overall positive.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
Having a healthy relationship with family
- Having a healthy relationship with family members not only lowers rates of anxiety and depression, but also helps reduce feelings of loneliness.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
Discussing personal issues with others
- For those struggling a lot with personal issues that plague them on a daily basis, a great way for them to improve their mental health is to open up to friends and family about those issues. Therapy is a good outlet for this as well, however, sometimes it's best for people to open up to those closest to them.
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
Take time to relax and do nothing
- One of the best ways to improve mental health is just to relax and do nothing for 20-30 minutes. With this time, people can relieve themselves of stress and anxiety and let their minds wander off, or, better yet, fill them with positive thoughts.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
Taking warm baths
- Another method for improving mental health is taking warm baths. While most of us will take showers, baths have a unique effect on our mental health by easing any physical tension we have, altering serotonin levels, and reducing stress and anxiety as well.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
- Many of us will go an entire day with a frown on our faces. However, studies have shown that smiling is a natural mood booster that is known to reduce stress, as endorphins are released and act as a natural painkiller.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
- Aside from smiling, laughing is also a natural stress reliever, as the endorphins are released with both serotonin and dopamine levels altered as well. Thus, it's best for us to find things that not only bring us joy, but also will make us laugh, in order to brighten our moods.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
Don't be too hard on yourself
- Too many of us are hard on ourselves. While it is always good to maintain discipline and be critical of our performance in our day-to-day lives, it can also be counterproductive to be too critical of ourselves. What's more, it ultimately crosses over into negative self-talk. Such habits can lead to higher levels of anxiety and depression.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
- Following both positive self-talk and not being too hard on ourselves comes self-forgiveness. When we have done something wrong or made mistakes that haunt us, it might be attributed to not being able to forgive ourselves for it, and such weight will bog us down in negativity if we remind ourselves of the dark moments too often. Stress, anxiety, and depression will follow as a result, but with self-forgiveness, all of that negative weight will be lifted from us.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
- Another way for you to improve your mental health is by practicing self-gratitude. Many, if not most, of us will look at the current problems we have and see how hard things are. We sometimes need to be reminded of what we should be grateful for. Doing so relieves us of stress, anxiety, and depression.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
Writing in a journal
- Turns out that writing an entry in a journal is a great outlet for reducing stress levels and calming nerves overall. When we write something down in a journal, we can understand our issues more clearly, and are even able to come closer to resolving them.
© Shutterstock
28 / 31 Fotos
Creating a therapeutic space
- While therapy is a good way to improve mental health, another method is creating a therapeutic space as a way to calm the nerves and relieve stress. Therapeutic spaces give us a sense of calm without any noise or distractions. Some people will opt for a space with natural light and views of nature, while others will opt for dim lights and little to no objects around, for example.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
Setting a long-term goal for yourself
- Set long-term goals for yourself. Setting long-term goals increases your motivation, and upon achieving these goals you will get a dopamine rush as you feel that sense of accomplishment, thus boosting self-esteem as a result. Sources: (Pathways Home Health and Hospice) (Harvard Health) (Positive Psychology) (The Washington Post)
© Shutterstock
30 / 31 Fotos
© Shuttershock
0 / 31 Fotos
Eating healthy foods
- Eating healthy food via proper dieting is one of the key components to improving one's mental health, as junk food typically contains chemicals that go directly to the brain and will bring your energy levels down.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
Eating dark chocolate
- Turns out that dark chocolate naturally lowers blood pressure and boosts the hormones that make us feel good inside. Studies have proven that chocolate contains neurochemicals that help stimulate the brain, with serotonin levels being altered when we eat it.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
Little to no alcohol consumption
- Numerous studies throughout the last 40 years have shown that alcohol consumption negatively affects our mental health by increasing stress levels and anxiety. Under the influence of alcohol, people have been known to have violent tantrums or worse. Cutting back on alcohol is definitely a great step in the right direction if you are seeking to improve your mental health.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
Being well rested
- Sleeping well is absolutely necessary for one's mental and physical well being. Studies have shown that going to sleep early and sleeping eight hours a day improves one's ability to perform, with these individuals having more energy and better moods than those who either go to sleep late or get a lack of sleep.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
Getting 15 minutes of sunshine
- If you're working in the dark corners of your house, office, or any indoor facility for hours on end, and feeling both anxious and stressed as a result, then perhaps it's best to take some time out of your day to get 15 minutes or more of sunshine in order to relieve yourself of that stress and anxiety that's dragging you down. Studies have shown that doing this improves your mental health and overall behavior for the better. Not to mention that being out in the sun affords people plenty of vitamin D!
© Shutterstock
5 / 31 Fotos
Practicing meditation
- Practicing meditation can greatly improve one's mental health, as it gives people a sense of calm and relaxation. Breathing in and out stimulates the nerves and muscles, and the emotional state is heightened as well.
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
Exercising regularly
- Daily exercise drastically improves one's mental health, as endorphins are released as you move your body and break a sweat or two. Numerous studies have showcased the positive results of daily exercise, especially if one does so in the early morning.
© Shutterstock
7 / 31 Fotos
Change of scenery
- Exercising and meditating regularly are both productive habits for our mental health. However, sometimes it's best if we have a change of scenery. Being in the same place for too long may depress and demotivate us if there long enough, whereas changing scenery will give us more motivation, and increase our sense of excitement.
© Shutterstock
8 / 31 Fotos
Exploring nature
- Research has shown that being around trees reduces stress, anxiety, and depression levels greatly. Our overall mood improves for the better, and cognition is also improved as well. As such, the benefits of exploring nature every so often cannot be understated.
© Shutterstock
9 / 31 Fotos
Time management
- One of the fundamental issues that affect our mental health on a daily basis is time management. Many of us struggle to manage our time wisely, and our mental health will take a turn downward as a result. Better time management will reduce the stress and anxiety that comes with the pressure of a deadline at work, for instance.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
Choosing a daily routine and sticking with it
- Daily routines reduce anxiety and stress levels for us because with a schedule, the sheer weight and pressure of the day won't be so crushing.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
Listening to calming music
- Calming music, no matter what genre, is also known to reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that listening to calming music sends signals to the brain that both calms the nerves and lowers heart rate, providing a release of dopamine as well.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
Being creative
- Some people like to write poems, others enjoy making crafts for fun. When we partake in a creative activity that is fun for us, it also reduces stress and anxiety levels, as we are caught in the moment of that creative activity.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
Learning a new hobby
- Aside from doing something creative that we might enjoy, one of the things that will improve an individual's mental health is picking up a new hobby. Experts have pointed out that hobbies reduce blood pressure and lower heart rate and, with that, stress and anxiety levels are reduced as well.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
Positive self-talk
- In the modern age, many people struggle with what is called negative self-talk, which will plague them with doubts about who they are and what they're capable of doing in life. A better way for individuals to improve their mental health is to engage in positive self-talk that lifts their spirits in order to help them get through the day.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
Identify the causes of your stress and anxiety
- One of the fundamental basics of improving mental health is identifying the source of where the stress and anxiety are coming from. We often try to go on self-improvement journeys without getting to the very root of why our mental health is in dire straights to begin with.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
Being in a healthy relationship
- Relationships can go two ways. There are those that are toxic and negative, and thus worth leaving. Then there are those that are healthy and worth keeping. Being in a relationship with someone can come with enormous benefits, not only via reduction of stress and anxiety, but also ranging from being physically healthier and living a longer lifespan, as well as having higher self-esteem.
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
Investing in and maintaining positive friendships
- The psychological benefits of maintaining healthy and positive relationships with people we care about cannot be understated. It is human nature to want to belong to a group. The people around us will help in times of need, keep things in perspective, and give us a sense of belonging and purpose. Friends are people we share commonalities with in terms of values, interests, etc., and, thus, stress and anxiety levels will naturally reduce with friendships that are overall positive.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
Having a healthy relationship with family
- Having a healthy relationship with family members not only lowers rates of anxiety and depression, but also helps reduce feelings of loneliness.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
Discussing personal issues with others
- For those struggling a lot with personal issues that plague them on a daily basis, a great way for them to improve their mental health is to open up to friends and family about those issues. Therapy is a good outlet for this as well, however, sometimes it's best for people to open up to those closest to them.
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
Take time to relax and do nothing
- One of the best ways to improve mental health is just to relax and do nothing for 20-30 minutes. With this time, people can relieve themselves of stress and anxiety and let their minds wander off, or, better yet, fill them with positive thoughts.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
Taking warm baths
- Another method for improving mental health is taking warm baths. While most of us will take showers, baths have a unique effect on our mental health by easing any physical tension we have, altering serotonin levels, and reducing stress and anxiety as well.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
- Many of us will go an entire day with a frown on our faces. However, studies have shown that smiling is a natural mood booster that is known to reduce stress, as endorphins are released and act as a natural painkiller.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
- Aside from smiling, laughing is also a natural stress reliever, as the endorphins are released with both serotonin and dopamine levels altered as well. Thus, it's best for us to find things that not only bring us joy, but also will make us laugh, in order to brighten our moods.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
Don't be too hard on yourself
- Too many of us are hard on ourselves. While it is always good to maintain discipline and be critical of our performance in our day-to-day lives, it can also be counterproductive to be too critical of ourselves. What's more, it ultimately crosses over into negative self-talk. Such habits can lead to higher levels of anxiety and depression.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
- Following both positive self-talk and not being too hard on ourselves comes self-forgiveness. When we have done something wrong or made mistakes that haunt us, it might be attributed to not being able to forgive ourselves for it, and such weight will bog us down in negativity if we remind ourselves of the dark moments too often. Stress, anxiety, and depression will follow as a result, but with self-forgiveness, all of that negative weight will be lifted from us.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
- Another way for you to improve your mental health is by practicing self-gratitude. Many, if not most, of us will look at the current problems we have and see how hard things are. We sometimes need to be reminded of what we should be grateful for. Doing so relieves us of stress, anxiety, and depression.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
Writing in a journal
- Turns out that writing an entry in a journal is a great outlet for reducing stress levels and calming nerves overall. When we write something down in a journal, we can understand our issues more clearly, and are even able to come closer to resolving them.
© Shutterstock
28 / 31 Fotos
Creating a therapeutic space
- While therapy is a good way to improve mental health, another method is creating a therapeutic space as a way to calm the nerves and relieve stress. Therapeutic spaces give us a sense of calm without any noise or distractions. Some people will opt for a space with natural light and views of nature, while others will opt for dim lights and little to no objects around, for example.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
Setting a long-term goal for yourself
- Set long-term goals for yourself. Setting long-term goals increases your motivation, and upon achieving these goals you will get a dopamine rush as you feel that sense of accomplishment, thus boosting self-esteem as a result. Sources: (Pathways Home Health and Hospice) (Harvard Health) (Positive Psychology) (The Washington Post)
© Shutterstock
30 / 31 Fotos
30 of the best ways to improve your mental health
Here are some of the best options to change your life for the better
© Shuttershock
Mental health is something that everyone grapples with on a daily basis. It's the cornerstone to our success and, if not taken care of, will be the key to our failures. In this day and age, mental health is increasingly becoming more of a focus, as we have witnessed more and more people become increasingly exhausted in their daily lives. Yet, there are ways for us to turn our lives around, and in this gallery we'll show you 30 of the best solutions for improving your mental health. Simply click on to discover them.
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