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They never fully open up about themselves...
- Someone who is highly manipulative will never let you know them in as full a way as a normal person would. They may also tell different stories to different people.
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1 / 31 Fotos
But they'll get to know you
- However, they will certainly try to find out as much as they possibly can about you. Their knowledge of you will enable them to act in a manipulative way.
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2 / 31 Fotos
When times get tough...
- Life is full of unexpected surprises, not all of which are good. A true friend will be there for you in these tough times, trying to help you get back on your feet.
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3 / 31 Fotos
They make an exit
- But a manipulative person will disappear when things get difficult. That is because they never really cared for you, they were just following their own selfish interests.
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4 / 31 Fotos
They lack responsibility...
- Someone who is highly manipulative lacks the capacity to take responsibility for their lives and their shortcomings. Their irresponsibility doesn't teach them the same lesson it would for a normal person.
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And try to shift the blame
- If that wasn't bad enough, they will also try to blame others for their own failings. They will practically do and say anything they can to avoid having to face up to responsibility.
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They are constantly lying...
- Everyone tells little white lies from time to time. Mostly it is done to save someone from being upset or offended. After all, who wants to hear that the new coat they have just bought is hideous?
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And it is a compulsive habit
- But a manipulative liar is a completely different story. Their lives are an entanglement of lies, as they do it so often. With a person like this, you will never fully know the truth, and there isn't much point trying to find out.
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They want control...
- Most people want their lives to have some element of control. After all, without any rules or regulations, the world would be a pretty scary and disordered place.
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And will not relinquish it under any circumstances
- A manipulative person, however, wants to control others around them because it gives them a sense of power to do so. In their twisted reality, this is completely justifiable.
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They demand your time...
- It's perfectly natural to want to make time for those we care about. It's often frustrating when this is made difficult by the amount of commitments and responsibilities we have.
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And don't care about the consequences
- But a manipulative person doesn't care whether they are interrupting you, or preventing you from doing something that you need to be doing, because ultimately, they only care about themselves and their interests.
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They can coerce you into questioning your beliefs...
- The true definition of being manipulative is trying to control someone. This can be done in a very subtle way, or far more aggressively.
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And leave you feeling utterly confused
- What makes it so unpleasant is that an effective manipulator can be highly successful in their endeavors. This in turn can have a devastating effect on the person they are manipulating.
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They never apologize...
- Most people recognize that an apology can go a long way. In fact, a lot of us will apologize even if we feel that the other person is also culpable, just to clear the air. This usually makes everyone feel better.
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Because they feel no guilt
- However, because guilt is a foreign concept to a manipulative pe
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They have a different reality...
- Many people in the world have varying beliefs and morals. This doesn't necessarily make one person right and the other wrong, it's just different.
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And they believe in their own superiority
- A manipulative person has an entirely different reality, though, because they believe so strongly in their own sense of superiority. This means that they don't care about the difference between right and wrong, because they reject the very concept.
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They make you feel uncomfortable...
- As humans, we have instinctive and reactive senses. Sometimes we sense danger, and we can't quite figure out why. This may of course be more paranoid than logical at times.
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Which you shouldn't ignore
- However, these gut feelings are there for a reason. It is our survival instinct kicking in. So, if somebody consistently makes you feel uncomfortable and you can't understand why, it's probably a sign that they are a manipulative person.
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They are cruel...
- Everyone can lose their temper from time to time. Sometimes people will say truly hurtful things to one another because they feel very hurt themselves. This is natural, despite how upsetting it can be.
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And take pleasure in it
- A manipulative person will not be cruel for the same reasons. They do it because they can, and they actively take pleasure in belittling those around them.
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Your friends and family don't like them...
- Sometimes people don't want to believe the truth about someone because it is too painful or upsetting. But those who really do care for you will be able to notice a person who is manipulating you.
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Because they see something you can't
- It's not a bad thing to want to see the best in people, but if all that you are hearing from your friends and family is negative about this person, take this as a warning sign.
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They thrive on conflict...
- Normal people avoid conflict. It's a stressful and unpleasant thing which is only necessary in extreme circumstances as it leaves most people feeling quite unsettled.
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And leave you feeling bad
- Manipulative people, however, thrive on conflict. It gives them a sense of power and allows them to put you exactly where they want you: in their control. Don't put up with someone who constantly makes you feel bad.
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They don't respect your boundaries...
- Most people have the innate ability to assess what is or isn't suitable conversation, depending on their audience. Manipulative people can make you feel uncomfortable by breaching those boundaries.
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Because it's all about what they want
- If you confide in a manipulative person, they will store the information that you have given them in confidence as ammunition for when they decide to turn on you.
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They enjoy publicly humiliating others...
- Most of us can discern between friendly humor and the cruel and callous variety. Sometimes a joke can go too far, and normal people will back down and apologize.
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And dismiss it as a joke if challenged
- However, a manipulative person thrives on humiliating others, so they will take pleasure in it. If they are challenged, they can simply turn it around on the other person and dismiss them as being unable to take a joke, and accuse them of humorlessness.
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They never fully open up about themselves...
- Someone who is highly manipulative will never let you know them in as full a way as a normal person would. They may also tell different stories to different people.
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1 / 31 Fotos
But they'll get to know you
- However, they will certainly try to find out as much as they possibly can about you. Their knowledge of you will enable them to act in a manipulative way.
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When times get tough...
- Life is full of unexpected surprises, not all of which are good. A true friend will be there for you in these tough times, trying to help you get back on your feet.
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They make an exit
- But a manipulative person will disappear when things get difficult. That is because they never really cared for you, they were just following their own selfish interests.
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4 / 31 Fotos
They lack responsibility...
- Someone who is highly manipulative lacks the capacity to take responsibility for their lives and their shortcomings. Their irresponsibility doesn't teach them the same lesson it would for a normal person.
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And try to shift the blame
- If that wasn't bad enough, they will also try to blame others for their own failings. They will practically do and say anything they can to avoid having to face up to responsibility.
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They are constantly lying...
- Everyone tells little white lies from time to time. Mostly it is done to save someone from being upset or offended. After all, who wants to hear that the new coat they have just bought is hideous?
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7 / 31 Fotos
And it is a compulsive habit
- But a manipulative liar is a completely different story. Their lives are an entanglement of lies, as they do it so often. With a person like this, you will never fully know the truth, and there isn't much point trying to find out.
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8 / 31 Fotos
They want control...
- Most people want their lives to have some element of control. After all, without any rules or regulations, the world would be a pretty scary and disordered place.
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And will not relinquish it under any circumstances
- A manipulative person, however, wants to control others around them because it gives them a sense of power to do so. In their twisted reality, this is completely justifiable.
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They demand your time...
- It's perfectly natural to want to make time for those we care about. It's often frustrating when this is made difficult by the amount of commitments and responsibilities we have.
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And don't care about the consequences
- But a manipulative person doesn't care whether they are interrupting you, or preventing you from doing something that you need to be doing, because ultimately, they only care about themselves and their interests.
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They can coerce you into questioning your beliefs...
- The true definition of being manipulative is trying to control someone. This can be done in a very subtle way, or far more aggressively.
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13 / 31 Fotos
And leave you feeling utterly confused
- What makes it so unpleasant is that an effective manipulator can be highly successful in their endeavors. This in turn can have a devastating effect on the person they are manipulating.
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They never apologize...
- Most people recognize that an apology can go a long way. In fact, a lot of us will apologize even if we feel that the other person is also culpable, just to clear the air. This usually makes everyone feel better.
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Because they feel no guilt
- However, because guilt is a foreign concept to a manipulative pe
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They have a different reality...
- Many people in the world have varying beliefs and morals. This doesn't necessarily make one person right and the other wrong, it's just different.
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And they believe in their own superiority
- A manipulative person has an entirely different reality, though, because they believe so strongly in their own sense of superiority. This means that they don't care about the difference between right and wrong, because they reject the very concept.
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They make you feel uncomfortable...
- As humans, we have instinctive and reactive senses. Sometimes we sense danger, and we can't quite figure out why. This may of course be more paranoid than logical at times.
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Which you shouldn't ignore
- However, these gut feelings are there for a reason. It is our survival instinct kicking in. So, if somebody consistently makes you feel uncomfortable and you can't understand why, it's probably a sign that they are a manipulative person.
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They are cruel...
- Everyone can lose their temper from time to time. Sometimes people will say truly hurtful things to one another because they feel very hurt themselves. This is natural, despite how upsetting it can be.
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And take pleasure in it
- A manipulative person will not be cruel for the same reasons. They do it because they can, and they actively take pleasure in belittling those around them.
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22 / 31 Fotos
Your friends and family don't like them...
- Sometimes people don't want to believe the truth about someone because it is too painful or upsetting. But those who really do care for you will be able to notice a person who is manipulating you.
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Because they see something you can't
- It's not a bad thing to want to see the best in people, but if all that you are hearing from your friends and family is negative about this person, take this as a warning sign.
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They thrive on conflict...
- Normal people avoid conflict. It's a stressful and unpleasant thing which is only necessary in extreme circumstances as it leaves most people feeling quite unsettled.
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And leave you feeling bad
- Manipulative people, however, thrive on conflict. It gives them a sense of power and allows them to put you exactly where they want you: in their control. Don't put up with someone who constantly makes you feel bad.
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They don't respect your boundaries...
- Most people have the innate ability to assess what is or isn't suitable conversation, depending on their audience. Manipulative people can make you feel uncomfortable by breaching those boundaries.
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Because it's all about what they want
- If you confide in a manipulative person, they will store the information that you have given them in confidence as ammunition for when they decide to turn on you.
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They enjoy publicly humiliating others...
- Most of us can discern between friendly humor and the cruel and callous variety. Sometimes a joke can go too far, and normal people will back down and apologize.
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And dismiss it as a joke if challenged
- However, a manipulative person thrives on humiliating others, so they will take pleasure in it. If they are challenged, they can simply turn it around on the other person and dismiss them as being unable to take a joke, and accuse them of humorlessness.
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Clues that someone might be manipulating you
Watch out for these red flags
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Manipulative people walk among us! Unfortunately, they are also many in number. They lack the normal compassion and empathy that most people naturally have, and exhibit many toxic traits. There are a huge number of reasons why people may end up being manipulative, and in some cases they may well need some compassion themselves. However, you can't allow people like this to control your life.
Take a look through the gallery to find out a number of clear warning signs that the person you are dealing with may be manipulative and should be avoided!

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