15 things women can stop feeling guilty about

It's time to let go!

Stars Insider

05/06/24 | StarsInsider


Even though a lot of progress has been made to improve gender equality in society, there's no denying that expectations for women are still different. There are fewer women in positions of power, so the ones who make it to the top must then act as representatives for their gender and prove that they deserve their spot—not a single mistake or a hair out of place. This pressure filters down into the daily life of the average woman.

After centuries of oppression there is finally space for women in the world, but it doesn't come without complications. We are still struggling to break from outdated mindsets and fight systemic sexism. This list contains things which no one should feel guilty about, but which women seem to worry about disproportionately. Click through the gallery and heave a sigh of relief!

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