Natural beauty is the new normal thanks to Covid-19

The natural look is coming back!

Stars Insider

30/09/21 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Appearance

The word on the street is that the Kardashian look is on its way out. No more smokey eyes and dramatic contouring. Let's be honest: face masks kind of defeat the purpose! Even if you load up on makeup for when the mask comes off, half of it may come off with the mask. People around the world spent months in their homes during the 2020 coronavirus lockdown and got pretty used to seeing themselves without makeup. And clean hair. And pants. It's hard to go back to all the effort of getting dressed up and putting on a full face of makeup. Luckily, the trends are turning in our favor! The natural look is making a comeback.

It's time to let your natural beauty take the lead. Click through the following gallery to learn more.

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