Mysteries of the Great Lakes shipwrecks

Take a dive and discover the vessels lost under the waves

Stars Insider

05/03/24 | StarsInsider


North America's five Great Lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario—have been sailed upon since at least the 17th century. The lakes are notorious for brutally unpredictable weather, dangerous currents, and underwater hazards. Since the 1600s, over 6,000 vessels have fallen victim to this capricious and often treacherous environment, shipwrecks that have claimed as many as 30,000 lives. And while most of these wrecks are accounted for, the fate of others remain a complete mystery. So, what are the most infamous losses, and which lake can claim itself the "graveyard of ships"?

Click through, set sail, and chart a course through the Great Lakes shipwrecks.

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