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What is an office romance?
- An office romance refers to a romantic relationship between two people who work in the same place. This includes relationships between two coworkers, between a superior and subordinate, or any other two people in the same workplace.
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Why office romances happen
- These relationships can happen for a variety of reasons, but a common denominator is that work brings these people together and they spend a large part of their day in each other's company. People can get to know each other and get really close when they spend so much time together, interacting with one another.
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Types of relationships
- There are a few different types of relationships when it comes to office romance, and all have their unique characteristics. Let’s take a look at them now.
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Office flings
- These are short-lived relationships that usually don’t have a great impact on the workplace at large. It happens, and then people get on with their lives.
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Office flings
- It may, however, have personal implications if one (or both) of the parties is already in a relationship, for example, or their fling becomes the subject of office gossip.
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Relationships between peers
- Many relationships flourish amongst coworkers who are at the same level. They might be part of the same team or share the same duties and responsibilities. Coworkers get to know each other and start dating. This is often one of the most trouble-free types of office romances.
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Long-term relationships
- Work is still a popular place to find a lifetime partner, and it doesn’t look like this reality is going anywhere anytime soon. There are plenty of couples out there who met in the workplace and have successfully built a life together.
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Relationships between superiors and subordinates
- This is when things can get tricky at work, for both the people involved and other colleagues. There is room for exploitation or manipulation in relationships where there is an imbalance of power.
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Relationships between superiors and subordinates
- There is the potential for this type of relationship to have a big impact on employees' morale. For instance, suspicion can arise, especially when there's a promotion or raise involved.
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Extramarital affairs
- The vast majority of extramarital affairs actually start at the workplace. It goes without saying how damaging this type of relationship can be, for both the parties involved and the company.
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It has happened to you. Now what?
- There are a few do’s and don’ts one should consider with regards to office romance, Let’s take a look at some of these.
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Check the employee handbook guidelines
- Many employees have no idea that this topic is covered in employee handbooks. Read the company’s policy on relationships between colleagues so you make sure you don’t break any rules and end up in trouble. In the absence of such a document, contact your HR department.
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Discuss a plan B well ahead
- Sadly, many relationships don’t last, and that includes those that start in the office. As such, it’s important that you discuss with the other person what to do in the case of a breakup. You don’t want to be unprepared for this and put yourself and your coworkers in an uncomfortable situation.
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Make 100% sure it's consensual
- Harassment is a serious matter, so before you go ahead and start dating a coworker, make sure you both explicitly consent to things going that way. Remember: you’re at your workplace.
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Disclose it
- Don’t keep your relationship a secret. It will not only be uncomfortable, but it will also be really weird. People will eventually find out you two are seeing each other either way. Assuming it’s all clear from an HR perspective, you should disclose your relationship.
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Don’t let your relationship interfere with your work
- Sure, it can be hard to focus, especially in the beginning, as we just want to be in “relationship mode” with that person, not thinking about work. But make a conscious effort not to let your love life affect your performance at work.
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Avoid dating subordinates or bosses
- Yes, it’s easier said than done, but these types of relationships can be detrimental for everyone, as mentioned previously.
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Don’t engage in PDA
- There is a place and time for PDA, and while you’re working is definitely not it. Your workplace should be a PDA-free zone.
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Don’t argue with each other in the workplace
- It’s fine to disagree about any business-related topics, but if you need to fight on a personal level, do so outside of working hours and well away from your workplace and your colleagues.
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Don’t expect to work together all the time
- Being a couple in your personal life doesn’t mean both of you will always work together. You or your partner may even end up on different teams (or even different offices). Professionally speaking, it’s unreasonable to think you two shouldn’t work apart because you’re in a relationship.
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Don’t compete with each other
- A professional environment can be competitive, and you might find yourself in a position where it’s either you or your partner to get that project/promotion/job. Be cool about it and support your partner, no matter what. There will be a chance for both of you to shine.
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Take it slowly
- Take things slowly. Don’t forget that you know this person in a specific context. Get to know them outside the workplace too, and then the relationship can flourish naturally.
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Don’t spread the news too soon
- Yes, as mentioned previously, you should disclose that you are in a relationship, but don’t go announcing your wedding after a first date! Remember that this is the place where both of you work, so both of you should agree on when to go public and how.
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Don’t send flirty messages
- Sure, it’s tempting, and perhaps you otherwise would if you were not both working in the same place, but this can be distracting for both of you.
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Don’t send flirty messages
- Pay particular attention if you are using an internal company account and/or a company instant messaging system. The wrong message can end up in the wrong chat and you can really get in trouble!
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Think about the future
- If things work out between you and your coworker, what will the future look like? Will you or your partner leave the company? Which one and when? Talk about this.
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Think about the future
- The same applies if things don’t work out. As we mentioned before, this should be discussed in the early stages of the relationship, but further down the line things may get quite uncomfortable if you still have to work with your ex.
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Don’t let other colleagues discourage you
- Everyone has an opinion, but remember that not everyone has your best interests at heart. You might find that some people, for whatever reason, will disapprove of your relationship. While you should listen to feedback, take it with a pinch of salt.
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Don’t express your love in embarrassing ways
- In addition to PDA, please do not engage in romantic gestures at work. And we mean none, whatsoever!
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Respect boundaries
- Office romance is possible and it can be an enjoyable experience, if you take all of these things into account. Just never forget that you are at your workplace, and behave as such at all times. Sources: (The Pleasant Relationship) (Harvard Business Review) (BBC)
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What is an office romance?
- An office romance refers to a romantic relationship between two people who work in the same place. This includes relationships between two coworkers, between a superior and subordinate, or any other two people in the same workplace.
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Why office romances happen
- These relationships can happen for a variety of reasons, but a common denominator is that work brings these people together and they spend a large part of their day in each other's company. People can get to know each other and get really close when they spend so much time together, interacting with one another.
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Types of relationships
- There are a few different types of relationships when it comes to office romance, and all have their unique characteristics. Let’s take a look at them now.
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Office flings
- These are short-lived relationships that usually don’t have a great impact on the workplace at large. It happens, and then people get on with their lives.
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Office flings
- It may, however, have personal implications if one (or both) of the parties is already in a relationship, for example, or their fling becomes the subject of office gossip.
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Relationships between peers
- Many relationships flourish amongst coworkers who are at the same level. They might be part of the same team or share the same duties and responsibilities. Coworkers get to know each other and start dating. This is often one of the most trouble-free types of office romances.
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Long-term relationships
- Work is still a popular place to find a lifetime partner, and it doesn’t look like this reality is going anywhere anytime soon. There are plenty of couples out there who met in the workplace and have successfully built a life together.
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Relationships between superiors and subordinates
- This is when things can get tricky at work, for both the people involved and other colleagues. There is room for exploitation or manipulation in relationships where there is an imbalance of power.
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Relationships between superiors and subordinates
- There is the potential for this type of relationship to have a big impact on employees' morale. For instance, suspicion can arise, especially when there's a promotion or raise involved.
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Extramarital affairs
- The vast majority of extramarital affairs actually start at the workplace. It goes without saying how damaging this type of relationship can be, for both the parties involved and the company.
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It has happened to you. Now what?
- There are a few do’s and don’ts one should consider with regards to office romance, Let’s take a look at some of these.
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Check the employee handbook guidelines
- Many employees have no idea that this topic is covered in employee handbooks. Read the company’s policy on relationships between colleagues so you make sure you don’t break any rules and end up in trouble. In the absence of such a document, contact your HR department.
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Discuss a plan B well ahead
- Sadly, many relationships don’t last, and that includes those that start in the office. As such, it’s important that you discuss with the other person what to do in the case of a breakup. You don’t want to be unprepared for this and put yourself and your coworkers in an uncomfortable situation.
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Make 100% sure it's consensual
- Harassment is a serious matter, so before you go ahead and start dating a coworker, make sure you both explicitly consent to things going that way. Remember: you’re at your workplace.
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Disclose it
- Don’t keep your relationship a secret. It will not only be uncomfortable, but it will also be really weird. People will eventually find out you two are seeing each other either way. Assuming it’s all clear from an HR perspective, you should disclose your relationship.
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Don’t let your relationship interfere with your work
- Sure, it can be hard to focus, especially in the beginning, as we just want to be in “relationship mode” with that person, not thinking about work. But make a conscious effort not to let your love life affect your performance at work.
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Avoid dating subordinates or bosses
- Yes, it’s easier said than done, but these types of relationships can be detrimental for everyone, as mentioned previously.
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Don’t engage in PDA
- There is a place and time for PDA, and while you’re working is definitely not it. Your workplace should be a PDA-free zone.
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Don’t argue with each other in the workplace
- It’s fine to disagree about any business-related topics, but if you need to fight on a personal level, do so outside of working hours and well away from your workplace and your colleagues.
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Don’t expect to work together all the time
- Being a couple in your personal life doesn’t mean both of you will always work together. You or your partner may even end up on different teams (or even different offices). Professionally speaking, it’s unreasonable to think you two shouldn’t work apart because you’re in a relationship.
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Don’t compete with each other
- A professional environment can be competitive, and you might find yourself in a position where it’s either you or your partner to get that project/promotion/job. Be cool about it and support your partner, no matter what. There will be a chance for both of you to shine.
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Take it slowly
- Take things slowly. Don’t forget that you know this person in a specific context. Get to know them outside the workplace too, and then the relationship can flourish naturally.
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Don’t spread the news too soon
- Yes, as mentioned previously, you should disclose that you are in a relationship, but don’t go announcing your wedding after a first date! Remember that this is the place where both of you work, so both of you should agree on when to go public and how.
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Don’t send flirty messages
- Sure, it’s tempting, and perhaps you otherwise would if you were not both working in the same place, but this can be distracting for both of you.
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Don’t send flirty messages
- Pay particular attention if you are using an internal company account and/or a company instant messaging system. The wrong message can end up in the wrong chat and you can really get in trouble!
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Think about the future
- If things work out between you and your coworker, what will the future look like? Will you or your partner leave the company? Which one and when? Talk about this.
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Think about the future
- The same applies if things don’t work out. As we mentioned before, this should be discussed in the early stages of the relationship, but further down the line things may get quite uncomfortable if you still have to work with your ex.
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Don’t let other colleagues discourage you
- Everyone has an opinion, but remember that not everyone has your best interests at heart. You might find that some people, for whatever reason, will disapprove of your relationship. While you should listen to feedback, take it with a pinch of salt.
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Don’t express your love in embarrassing ways
- In addition to PDA, please do not engage in romantic gestures at work. And we mean none, whatsoever!
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Respect boundaries
- Office romance is possible and it can be an enjoyable experience, if you take all of these things into account. Just never forget that you are at your workplace, and behave as such at all times. Sources: (The Pleasant Relationship) (Harvard Business Review) (BBC)
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Office romances: the do's and don'ts
From flings to long-term relationships
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Office romance is pretty common. After all, coworkers spend hours upon hours with each other most days of the week, so attraction may develop at some point. These can range from casual office flings to long-term relationships, and can go smoothly or horribly wrong. Dating in the workplace is a delicate matter that should be carefully considered. It can have personal repercussions as well as implications for your employer and colleagues.
In this gallery, we go through a number of guidelines you should follow if you get romantically involved with another person at your workplace. Click on to find out the do's and don'ts of office romance.

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