Official reasons why the US has gone to war

Biden's response to US fatalities in Jordan drone attack expected to be calculated but harsh

Stars Insider

18/07/24 | StarsInsider


War is generally defined as a violent conflict between states or nations. War has shaped humanity's history, its social and political institutions, its values, and ideas. In the 18th century, America had to fight for its independence, engaging in a war that subsequently defined the nation and prompted the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Since then, the United States of America has become embroiled in some of the world's most destructive and controversial conflicts. And while the reasons for going to war are often in response to a direct and unprovoked attack by an enemy nation, history has also recorded instances where bearing arms against a perceived adversary has proven an ill-judged move resulting in needless and long-lasting suffering.

On January 28, 2024, a US military outpost in Jordan was targeted by a drone strike that left three service personnel dead, and 34 wounded. This was the deadliest attack on US soldiers since the country's messy withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. The Islamic Resistance is believed to be responsible for the January 28 attack, as they claimed several drone attacks in the area. The Guardian described the group as "a loose coalition of Iranian-backed militias that oppose US support for Israel in the war in Gaza." The US ultimately holds Iran responsible due their alleged financial and military support of such groups, but so far, there is no evidence that Iran ordered the strike.

Since the invasion of Gaza began in October 2023, US bases in the Middle East have been attacked more than 160 times. This is the first time US soldiers have lost their lives. The response is likely to be harsher because of this, but government officials have reiterated that the US does not want to go to war with Iran. According to CNN, Iran has been investing in various militant groups throughout Iraq and Syria, providing them with funds, weapons, training, and supplies so they can further pressure the US to cease its activities in the region. 

To learn all about the other wars the US has gotten involved in and why, including the recent conflict in Yemen, click through the gallery. 

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