What DNA tells us about Europe's first settlers

Modern technology gives clues about the origins of our ancestors

Stars Insider

03/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Archaeology

Our ability to learn more about our ancient ancestors has never been better. Thanks to advances in technology, scientists working with archaeologists can date remains with greater accuracy than ever before. "Paleogenetics" makes it possible to study the sequence of an entire genome of people who lived tens of millennia ago. As a result, an explosion of new information has become available, which promises to transform our understanding of the past, as new discoveries are literally unearthed.

For instance, did you know that Europeans are the descendants of three distinct migrations of people from elsewhere in the word: Africa, the Middle East (Turkey), and the Steppes (southern Russia/eastern Ukraine)?

Intrigued? Click on to learn more about the origins of Europe's first settlers.

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