You won't believe these events happened 30 years ago!

Formula 1 star Ayrton Senna was killed on May 1, 1994

Stars Insider

01/05/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Retrospective

Can you believe that it's already been 30 years since 1994? A particularly eventful year politically and culturally, much that happened then helped shape the world we see today. After years of Apartheid, South Africa saw its first black President take office when Nelson Mandela was sworn in. The world was also saddened by the death of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. A couple of months later,  O. J. Simpson was accused of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson, leading to one of the biggest trials in history. 

Curious to see what other events occurred in 1994? Then click through the following gallery.

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