In pictures: The war in Ukraine, two years on

February 24 marked two years since Russia's unprovoked attack on Ukraine

Stars Insider

26/02/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Current affairs

Russia's invasion of Ukraine took place on February 24, 2022. In the two years since, both sides have lost a staggering number of troops, the figure nearing 500,000 by latest estimates. Ukraine civilian casualties alone number over 9,000, while the damage to the country's housing, transportation, and industrial sector infrastructure is considerable. But as of February 2024, the war has broadly reached a stalemate. And with political wrangling over funding the war intensifying, there appears to be no end in sight to this brutal and destructive conflict. So as the world ponders the last 24 months since hostilities began, it's time to pause and reflect on some of the key events that have taken place since Russia invaded Ukraine.

Click through and review the war in Ukraine so far.

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