Everything you need to know about millennials

Here are the facts about this frequently-studied generation

Stars Insider

14/06/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Generation

There are a lot of generalizations out there about millennials, who might just be the most studied generation in history—and perhaps the most misunderstood. Often criticized for being entitled and lazy, other stereotypes include that they're yoga-obsessed vegans who subsist entirely on avocados while constantly being active on social media. However, there's much more to this generation. 

Defined as people born from 1981 to 1996, the term "millennial" was coined in the 1991 book 'Generations' by historians Neil Howe and William Strauss. And while the word is sometimes still used as a catch-all term to describe young people, some millennials are now in their 40s.

So click on for everything you need to know about millennials. 

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