Vladimir Putin's unstoppable rise to power

The Russian president recently added another six years to his reign

Stars Insider

21/06/24 | StarsInsider


On March 17, 2024, Vladimir Putin extended his seemingly unending rule over Russia for another six years. The 71-year-old achieved a landslide victory in the presidential election, winning a record-breaking 88% of the vote. As with his previous victories, the election was criticized as neither "free nor fair" by countries like the US and Germany given the imprisonment of Putin's political opponents, and the culture of fear he cultivates in Russia.

His Ukrainian opponent, President Volodymyr Zelensky, called the election illegitimate in a damning statement. "These days, the Russian dictator is simulating another election. It is clear to everyone in the world that this figure, as it has already often happened in the course of history, is simply sick for power and is doing everything to rule forever."

President Putin has ruled over Russia for almost a quarter of a century, and has been widely condemned for his invasion of Ukraine. But who is this man from Leningrad who grew up to become one of the most powerful men in recent history?

Click through and find out more about Vladimir Putin's life and career.

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