The wealthiest cities in the world

Do you know which cities are home to the most wealthy?

Stars Insider

16/07/24 | StarsInsider


Global citizenship firm Henley & Partners released a report in 2023 measuring just how fast millionaire growth has increased in the past decade across major global cities. Interestingly, many of these cities allow easier immigration based on larger sums of investment, which is an advantage for millionaires and billionaires in comparison to other foreign citizens. To compile this list, Henley & Partners hired New World Wealth, a global intelligence firm, to collect data from 97 cities around the world.

The report ranked the spending habits of over 150,000 high-net-worth individuals, emphasizing those with over US$10 million in investible assets. It's important to note that the report primarily focused on wealthy individuals with job titles like founder, chairperson, CEO, and director.

Curious? Click on to see if your city made the top 30.

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