The growing garbage island polluting the Pacific Ocean

Where did 80,000 tons of trash come from?

Stars Insider

16/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Environment

Did you know that there's a garbage patch twice the size of Texas floating in the Pacific Ocean? What's more, this trash pool is almost entirely made up of plastic. How bad do you think that is for the marine environment? Well, actually, it's worse than bad—it's catastrophic! We are talking about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Presently, this 'patch' represents around 80,000 tons of debris. And get this: according to Conservation International, by 2050 the mass of ocean trash from plastic will outweigh its fish. Now that's certainly reason enough to worry. But how was this vast concentration of trash created in the first place, and what's being done to get rid of it?

Click through and find out more about this destructive collection of floating plastic.

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