Out of storage: is digital hoarding indicative of a disorder?

How hoarding photos and digital documents can signal a deeper issue

Stars Insider

09/12/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Mental health

We've all experienced that dreaded notification: "Storage almost full.” This constant reminder signals a device or inbox overflowing with emails, photos, and documents. What starts as a convenient way to store information can quickly turn into a digital hoarding problem. Experts now classify this behavior as a disorder, highlighting its serious impact on mental health and productivity.

According to Dr. Sanjaya Saxena, psychiatrist and director of clinical and research affairs at the Boston-based International OCD Foundation, an estimated 3% to 5% of the global population—about 8 to 12 million people in the United States—suffers from hoarding disorder.

From work computers to smartphones, digital clutter can become a serious source of stress and anxiety. In this gallery, we'll explore the reasons behind digital hoarding and uncover practical tips to declutter your digital life.

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