The coldest temperature recorded in every US state

Winter can truly be devastatingly cold

Stars Insider

13/01/25 | StarsInsider


The United States is a land of incredible diversity—not just in its people, landscapes, and cultures, but in its climate as well. From the bone-chilling Arctic air of Alaska, to the icy surprises in subtropical states like Florida and Louisiana, each state holds its own story of how extreme cold has shaped its history. Across the nation, record low temperatures have been set in small towns and remote weather stations, with a unique glimpse into the frozen moments that stand as milestones in America’s meteorological past.

Some of the lowest natural temperatures on the planet have been recorded in the 50-state nation, and whether it’s a small mountain town or a bustling valley, each state has its own frosty tale to tell. Curious? Click through this gallery to discover the lowest thermometer readings in the country.

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