A vintage glimpse of Europe's most historic markets

The impending closure of Smithfield Market in London marks the end of an era

Stars Insider

02/12/24 | StarsInsider


The announcement that London's Smithfield Market is set to close after more than 800 years marks the end of an era. Trading is expected to cease for good after 2028 and there are no plans to relocate the famous meat market. Smithfield isn't the only casualty. The city's equally historic Billingsgate fish market is also facing permanent closure. Plans are already in place to reimagine the sites of both markets, but the news is still proving hard to digest among the many hundreds of market traders now facing an uncertain future. It was hoped that Smithfield Market, which has been around since the time of Henry VIII, would be moved out of the city center. But in an age of supermarket chains, which buy directly from suppliers, a wholesale meat market in the center of the capital made little sense. More than that perhaps, the decision serves as another example of how the modern world is fast overtaking yesteryear, with all the adjustments and sacrifices that entails.

There is of course still a place for markets, in the UK, across Europe, and beyond. But here we take a look at their heyday, when each exuded a unique charm and vintage character.

Click through the gallery and revisit market days from a bygone era. 

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