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Soul partner - First up we have the soul partner, the most common type of soulmate. This category basically includes anyone you decide to partner with in this lifetime.
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Soul partner
- A soul partner may be the person that you decide to raise children with, or it could be the person you decide to start a business with.
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Soul partner
- You need not know a soul partner for a long time. Indeed, the defining characteristic of a soul partner is that they support you in this life, whether emotionally, professionally, or otherwise.
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Soul tie
- Next up we have the soul tie. These are beings who give you a sense that they have come into your life for a reason. It could be anyone, from a friend to a pet.
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Soul tie - For example, you might swear that you'd never get a dog, but then encounter a rescue that needs a new home and sense that the dog was sent specifically to you.
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Past life soulmate
- There are various religions that recognize the concept of a past life. Many people believe that by the time they reach Earth, they have already lived multiple other lives.
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Past life soulmate
- The concept of a past life soulmate leans into this theory and describes the way in which a past life connection can make for a very strong relationship in this life.
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Past life soulmate
- People who believe they have found their past life soulmate often describe the connection as inexplicably and unprecedentedly strong.
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Karmic soulmate
- Karmic soulmates often have negative connotations. Indeed, people sometimes refer to them as "wrecking ball soulmates." However, karma does not have to be thought of in the context of good versus bad.
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Karmic soulmate
- Karma is about the energy of cause and effect. A karmic soulmate is anyone that comes into your life and offers you the opportunity to change your karma. This occurs whether your interaction with them is positive or negative.
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Romantic soulmate
- A romantic soulmate is, you guessed it, a soulmate that you enter into a romantic relationship with. Sometimes, you may even fall in love.
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Romantic soulmate
- More important with a romantic soulmate, however, is that they give you the opportunity to heal in your relationship with them.
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Romantic soulmate
- If there is someone in your life who you believe is there to help you grow, even if sometimes it is uncomfortable, then they are your romantic soulmate.
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Twin flame
- Next up we have twin flames. This term is used to describe a soul connection that is so strong it is as if one soul was split into two bodies.
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Twin flames
- Some people believe that finding your twin flame is the ultimate romantic experience. However, it is important to remember that you don't need another person to complete you.
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Companion soulmate
- As you probably will have understood by now, not all soulmates are romantic. Indeed, your friend soulmates–otherwise known as your companion soulmates–can be just as important, if not more important, than the romantic ones.
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Companion soulmate
- Companion soulmates are best thought of as spiritual sidekicks. They are the people who turn up in your life and with whom you have a mutual agreement to share love and encouragement.
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Companion soulmate
- It is important not to underestimate the importance of a companion soulmate. We need these in our lives, whether they are around just for the short term or they stay for the long haul.
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Kindred spirit
- Kindred spirits are not necessarily soulmates, but they certainly can be. These people are the ones who really understand you.
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Kindred spirit
- It may be someone who agrees with you about social issues or someone who shares the same cultural beliefs. You often finish each other's sentences.
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Kindred spirit
- Equally, a kindred spirit could be someone who has had similar life experiences to yours.
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Soul teacher
- If you have ever had the sense that a healer or mentor came into your life by divine timing, it may well be because they were your soul teacher.
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Soul teacher - They may be that one high school teacher who encouraged you to pursue a particular career path, or the guidance counselor who helped you manage your anxiety.
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Soul teacher
- Soul teachers may show up in your life as actual teachers or mentors, but that is not always the case. Indeed, the defining characteristic of a soul teacher is that they have valuable wisdom to impart.
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Soul families
- "Soul family" is the term used to describe a big group of kindred souls. In some cases, your soul family may show up in your biological family members.
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Soul families
- In other cases, however, you may find your soul family in a group of people working towards a common goal, such as charity volunteers working for a cause.
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Soul crossing
- Lastly, we have the soul crossing. This term is used to describe those amazing people who come crashing into your life, but who unfortunately can't stay long.
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Soul crossing
- Soul crossings can happen with all sorts of people, from friends to colleagues. For the short time you are thrown together, you have lots of amazing experiences and awakenings. Sources: (MindBodyGreen) See also: Has your soul lived a past life?
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Soul partner - First up we have the soul partner, the most common type of soulmate. This category basically includes anyone you decide to partner with in this lifetime.
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Soul partner
- A soul partner may be the person that you decide to raise children with, or it could be the person you decide to start a business with.
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Soul partner
- You need not know a soul partner for a long time. Indeed, the defining characteristic of a soul partner is that they support you in this life, whether emotionally, professionally, or otherwise.
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Soul tie
- Next up we have the soul tie. These are beings who give you a sense that they have come into your life for a reason. It could be anyone, from a friend to a pet.
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Soul tie - For example, you might swear that you'd never get a dog, but then encounter a rescue that needs a new home and sense that the dog was sent specifically to you.
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Past life soulmate
- There are various religions that recognize the concept of a past life. Many people believe that by the time they reach Earth, they have already lived multiple other lives.
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Past life soulmate
- The concept of a past life soulmate leans into this theory and describes the way in which a past life connection can make for a very strong relationship in this life.
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Past life soulmate
- People who believe they have found their past life soulmate often describe the connection as inexplicably and unprecedentedly strong.
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Karmic soulmate
- Karmic soulmates often have negative connotations. Indeed, people sometimes refer to them as "wrecking ball soulmates." However, karma does not have to be thought of in the context of good versus bad.
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Karmic soulmate
- Karma is about the energy of cause and effect. A karmic soulmate is anyone that comes into your life and offers you the opportunity to change your karma. This occurs whether your interaction with them is positive or negative.
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Romantic soulmate
- A romantic soulmate is, you guessed it, a soulmate that you enter into a romantic relationship with. Sometimes, you may even fall in love.
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Romantic soulmate
- More important with a romantic soulmate, however, is that they give you the opportunity to heal in your relationship with them.
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Romantic soulmate
- If there is someone in your life who you believe is there to help you grow, even if sometimes it is uncomfortable, then they are your romantic soulmate.
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Twin flame
- Next up we have twin flames. This term is used to describe a soul connection that is so strong it is as if one soul was split into two bodies.
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Twin flames
- Some people believe that finding your twin flame is the ultimate romantic experience. However, it is important to remember that you don't need another person to complete you.
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Companion soulmate
- As you probably will have understood by now, not all soulmates are romantic. Indeed, your friend soulmates–otherwise known as your companion soulmates–can be just as important, if not more important, than the romantic ones.
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Companion soulmate
- Companion soulmates are best thought of as spiritual sidekicks. They are the people who turn up in your life and with whom you have a mutual agreement to share love and encouragement.
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Companion soulmate
- It is important not to underestimate the importance of a companion soulmate. We need these in our lives, whether they are around just for the short term or they stay for the long haul.
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Kindred spirit
- Kindred spirits are not necessarily soulmates, but they certainly can be. These people are the ones who really understand you.
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Kindred spirit
- It may be someone who agrees with you about social issues or someone who shares the same cultural beliefs. You often finish each other's sentences.
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Kindred spirit
- Equally, a kindred spirit could be someone who has had similar life experiences to yours.
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Soul teacher
- If you have ever had the sense that a healer or mentor came into your life by divine timing, it may well be because they were your soul teacher.
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Soul teacher - They may be that one high school teacher who encouraged you to pursue a particular career path, or the guidance counselor who helped you manage your anxiety.
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Soul teacher
- Soul teachers may show up in your life as actual teachers or mentors, but that is not always the case. Indeed, the defining characteristic of a soul teacher is that they have valuable wisdom to impart.
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Soul families
- "Soul family" is the term used to describe a big group of kindred souls. In some cases, your soul family may show up in your biological family members.
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Soul families
- In other cases, however, you may find your soul family in a group of people working towards a common goal, such as charity volunteers working for a cause.
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Soul crossing
- Lastly, we have the soul crossing. This term is used to describe those amazing people who come crashing into your life, but who unfortunately can't stay long.
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Soul crossing
- Soul crossings can happen with all sorts of people, from friends to colleagues. For the short time you are thrown together, you have lots of amazing experiences and awakenings. Sources: (MindBodyGreen) See also: Has your soul lived a past life?
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Different types of soulmates and how to recognize them
Not all soulmates are made equal
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Ever had the sense that someone entered your life for a reason? That your connection with them is so strong, it could not have just happened by chance? If so, you may well have met one of your soulmates. People tend to have different understandings about what the term "soulmate" means, but in general it is understood to mean a person with whom you connect to on a soul level in an extraordinary way. If you are wondering whether someone in your life may be your soulmate, it is important to remember there are different kinds, each with different recognizable traits.
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