Did you spot the propaganda in these Hollywood blockbusters?

The US government and Hollywood have a surprising history of collaboration...

Stars Insider

30/08/24 | StarsInsider

MOVIES Curiosities

Propaganda might seem like something only the bad guys concern themselves with. Indeed, for many the word evokes ideas of the Nazi's Joseph Goebbels, Stalin's Soviet propaganda or the draconian media meddling and censorship of North Korea. In reality, propaganda is a tool used by just about every nation around the world, and the United States is no exception. From Uncle Sam to Rosie the Riveter, there are countless ways that the US government has, and continues to, utilize the media to spread biased information that promotes their political causes and worldviews (i.e. the Oxford definition of propaganda). It's only logical, then, that the government would team up with the largest media industry in the country, and arguably the world: Hollywood.

Since at least World War II, various agencies of the federal government, including intelligence agencies, have exercised various levels of control over what comes out of Hollywood. Sometimes it's been done quietly, other times not so much. From Jurassic Park to Marvel movies, the relationship between Hollywood and agencies like the Department of Defense and the CIA have proven to be mutually beneficial time and time again.

Was your favorite movie made with the help and influence of the government? Read on to find out.

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