The greatest crooners of all time

Past and present

Stars Insider

04/02/25 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Singers

We'll always have a place in our hearts for smooth-singing crooners. Decades ago, a number of charming men captivated audiences with their jazz-infused  heartfelt singing. Crooning's popularity rose in the 1920s, when singers started to make the most of the new, dynamic range covered by microphones. Voices could be heard differently, and finer details picked up on. It's as if these singers were whispering sweet nothings in our ears.

The style evolved over the years to incorporate more pop elements, as well as other music genres. And while many of the great ones are no longer among us, some contemporary singers are still carrying the flag for crooners.

In this gallery, we travel to the bygone golden era when crooners dominated the charts and remember some of the greatest of all time. But we also show you there's still hope for the present and future! Ready? Click on!

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