Discover these US territories in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean

There are 14 territories overseen by the US federal government

Stars Insider

01/07/24 | StarsInsider


Besides its 50 states, did you know that there are 14 territories in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean overseen by the US federal government? In fact, widespread communities and areas are a distinguishing feature of the United States. An unincorporated territory is one that the United States Congress has determined only selected parts of the United States Constitution apply to. An incorporated territory, of which only one currently exists, is one in which the United States Congress has applied the full corpus of the Constitution. Furthermore, if a US territory is termed organized it means it's an insular area for which the United States Congress has enacted an organic act. An unorganized territory means Congress has not enacted an organic act. Commonwealth territories are those that enjoy a more highly developed relationship. Intrigued, but confused?

Click through and journey to these US territories, some of which are familiar, while others are little-known destinations anchored in a vast ocean.

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