See Also
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- Roopkund, also called Skeleton Lake or Mystery Lake, is an icy lake located in India.
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- The lake can be found near Wan village in Uttarakhanin's Chamoli district, situated in the Himalayas.
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- Skeleton Lake is a lake situated at an elevation of about 5,029 meters (16,499 feet) above sea level.
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- Snow covers the lake for roughly eight months annually.
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- In 1942, a British forest guard stumbled upon a chilling sight: a frozen lake brimming with human remains!
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- However, the situation was about to become stranger. When the ice thawed in the summer, the lake revealed additional skeletons. As World War II was ongoing, the British government speculated that these could be the remains of Japanese soldiers who perished while attempting a land invasion.
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Japanese troops
- A group of investigators was sent by the British government to Roopkund and made a surprising discovery. Their conclusion was that the bones found were of ancient origin, ruling out the possibility of them belonging to Japanese soldiers.
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- Multiple theories emerged during that time, such as a landslide, an epidemic, or even ritualistic murder as the potential explanation for those fatalities.
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- In 2004, a team embarked on a mission to Roopkund to uncover the truth. Their findings revealed that the skeletons originated from approximately 850 AD.
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- Due to the freezing weather, certain parts of the victims such as hair, flesh, and clothes were well-preserved.
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DNA analysis
- The remains were found to belong to two different groups of people. The first group consisted of individuals who were closely related, possibly a family or a tribe. The second group included individuals who lived around 200 years ago and had genetic similarities to east Mediterraneans. It is believed that these bones belonged to pilgrims who were traveling through the mountains with the assistance of local guides.
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Cause of death?
- There were several theories proposed, yet one consistent factor existed among all the skulls: they were cracked. The skull cracks were small and deep. Additionally, the shoulders displayed wounds, all of which appeared to have been caused by external forces from above.
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Giant hailstones
- The conclusion was reached that hailstones were responsible for the fatalities. The group was allegedly attacked by violent and unexpected hailstorms that resulted in their demise. Pilgrims and locals, unable to find shelter, met their end due to the raining of hailstones.
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Hailstorms in folklore
- According to the lyrics of an ancient Himalayan folk song, a goddess grew furious after her sacred place was harmed by external forces, leading her to unleash hailstones as strong as iron, ultimately causing the demise of the intruders.
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Nanda Devi Raj Jat
- The Nanda Devi Raj Jat is a pilgrimage and festival honoring the devotion to the goddess Nanda Devi.
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Nanda Devi Raj Jat
- Roopkund lies along the sacred path of Nanda Devi Raj Jat.
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Local legend
- According to legend, there was a king who took a group of dancers to Roopkund. Unfortunately, heavy snowfall caused them to turn into skeletons and stones.
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Local legend
- According to another folk tale, King Yasodhwal's wife was pregnant at the time, but her placenta flowed down and tragically caused the death of everyone at Roopkund.
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Roopkund Trek
- This trekking route is on of the most popular in India.
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Trekking route
- Although the journey may be challenging, the scenery around is truly stunning.
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Getting there
- It takes approximately three to four days to reach Skeleton Lake. See also: Is Nessie real? Dive into the Loch Ness Monster mystery
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© Shutterstock
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- Roopkund, also called Skeleton Lake or Mystery Lake, is an icy lake located in India.
© Shutterstock
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- The lake can be found near Wan village in Uttarakhanin's Chamoli district, situated in the Himalayas.
© Shutterstock
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- Skeleton Lake is a lake situated at an elevation of about 5,029 meters (16,499 feet) above sea level.
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- Snow covers the lake for roughly eight months annually.
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- In 1942, a British forest guard stumbled upon a chilling sight: a frozen lake brimming with human remains!
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- However, the situation was about to become stranger. When the ice thawed in the summer, the lake revealed additional skeletons. As World War II was ongoing, the British government speculated that these could be the remains of Japanese soldiers who perished while attempting a land invasion.
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Japanese troops
- A group of investigators was sent by the British government to Roopkund and made a surprising discovery. Their conclusion was that the bones found were of ancient origin, ruling out the possibility of them belonging to Japanese soldiers.
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- Multiple theories emerged during that time, such as a landslide, an epidemic, or even ritualistic murder as the potential explanation for those fatalities.
© Shutterstock
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- In 2004, a team embarked on a mission to Roopkund to uncover the truth. Their findings revealed that the skeletons originated from approximately 850 AD.
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- Due to the freezing weather, certain parts of the victims such as hair, flesh, and clothes were well-preserved.
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DNA analysis
- The remains were found to belong to two different groups of people. The first group consisted of individuals who were closely related, possibly a family or a tribe. The second group included individuals who lived around 200 years ago and had genetic similarities to east Mediterraneans. It is believed that these bones belonged to pilgrims who were traveling through the mountains with the assistance of local guides.
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Cause of death?
- There were several theories proposed, yet one consistent factor existed among all the skulls: they were cracked. The skull cracks were small and deep. Additionally, the shoulders displayed wounds, all of which appeared to have been caused by external forces from above.
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Giant hailstones
- The conclusion was reached that hailstones were responsible for the fatalities. The group was allegedly attacked by violent and unexpected hailstorms that resulted in their demise. Pilgrims and locals, unable to find shelter, met their end due to the raining of hailstones.
© Shutterstock
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Hailstorms in folklore
- According to the lyrics of an ancient Himalayan folk song, a goddess grew furious after her sacred place was harmed by external forces, leading her to unleash hailstones as strong as iron, ultimately causing the demise of the intruders.
© iStock
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Nanda Devi Raj Jat
- The Nanda Devi Raj Jat is a pilgrimage and festival honoring the devotion to the goddess Nanda Devi.
© Shutterstock
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Nanda Devi Raj Jat
- Roopkund lies along the sacred path of Nanda Devi Raj Jat.
© Shutterstock
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Local legend
- According to legend, there was a king who took a group of dancers to Roopkund. Unfortunately, heavy snowfall caused them to turn into skeletons and stones.
© Shutterstock
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Local legend
- According to another folk tale, King Yasodhwal's wife was pregnant at the time, but her placenta flowed down and tragically caused the death of everyone at Roopkund.
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Roopkund Trek
- This trekking route is on of the most popular in India.
© Shutterstock
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Trekking route
- Although the journey may be challenging, the scenery around is truly stunning.
© Shutterstock
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Getting there
- It takes approximately three to four days to reach Skeleton Lake. See also: Is Nessie real? Dive into the Loch Ness Monster mystery
© Shutterstock
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This Himalayan lake has a dark history
Discover the disturbing secrets hidden in its murky waters
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There's a glacial lake in the Himalayas that conceals a sinister secret. In the 1940s, a disturbing discovery was made, yet it wasn't until the 21st century that the mystery was finally unraveled. Or was it?
Click through the gallery to learn about the icy Skeleton Lake, and draw your own conclusions.

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