Explore the best fishing spots in Britain

From fly fishing to coarse angling, we'll get you hooked!

Stars Insider

27/05/24 | StarsInsider


Fishing is a great way to relax and (literally) unwind, be in harmony with nature, and have some fun in the great outdoors all year round. What’s more, most people are much closer to a cracking fishing spot than they think, so it’s quite possible you have an amazing fly fishing or angling opportunity just on your doorstep.

Before you embark on your fishing trip always make sure you check if it is legal to fish. Some areas operate "close seasons" when fishing is forbidden. Fishing limits are often set to protect fish stocks and a license is usually needed for rod fishing.

Whether you're looking in Scotland, England, or Wales, you're sure to find an incredible fishing destination in this gallery. Click through to find your ideal spot. 

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