Selena Gomez receives criticism for her Spanish in ‘Emilia Pérez’

She has admitted to taking Spanish lessons despite her Latino heritage

Stars Insider

16/01/25 | StarsInsider


Latino star Selena Gomez has received criticism for her Spanish in the 2024 Netflix film ‘Emilia Pérez,’ after admitting that she had to take Spanish lessons for six months to prepare for the role. 

Despite being Golden Globe-nominated for her role as Jessi Del Monte, Mexican comedian and actor Eugenio Derbez has called out her Spanish, whilst also criticizing that the film has a French director, Jacques Audiard. Gomez responded to his comments, saying she understood his point and he has since apologized, emphasizing the need for the Latino community to support one another. 

The singer and actress was born in Texas to an American mother and a Mexican father. Despite releasing an album in Spanish and speaking Spanish in this film, Gomez admits that she lost her Spanish due to most of her jobs being in English. She has commented, however, that including Spanish in her work is a way of showing respect for her culture, and that she intends to use it more in the future. 

Gomez isn’t the only Latino celebrity not to speak Spanish though. Click through this gallery to see which Latino stars join her, and their reasons why.

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