Female celebrities who look like famous men

You will never unsee these

Stars Insider

12/02/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Doppelgänger

To become a celebrity, it’s implied that you have some sort of trademark look for which people will notice you. There are so many stars who look absolutely unique, but there are just too many people in the world for there not to be some very close doubles. 

Doppelgängers can come in all forms, even as animals, but what’s more interesting is when female and male celebrities look alike. It’s not something you’d be quick to notice because they cloak their resemblance in performances of gender, but the resemblance between sexes actually makes a lot of sense. 

According to our genetics, all humans are 99% identical, so there are millions of men and women who look alike. When it comes to Hollywood, it makes even more sense that there would be repeat looks as audiences have already taken a liking to the faces of the stars. After all, you wouldn’t change your bet from a winning horse. 

Check out this gallery to see some of the most striking examples of famous men and women who bear an uncanny resemblance.

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