Body dysmorphic disorder and the celebrities who suffer from it

Body dysmorphia is a common illness that affects even the most idolized

Stars Insider

20/01/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Body image

Most of us have concerns about our physical appearance. Whether it's a muffin top or a crooked nose, it's totally normal to notice our "imperfections." People who suffer from body dysmorphia are so fixated on their flaws that they can no longer see themselves as a whole. When they look in the mirror, it's the only thing they see, and the only thing they think other people see.

This disorder can be debilitating and lead to anxiety and depression. Mental illness is being destigmatized in the 21st century, but issues around appearance and body image are more prevalent than ever. Click through this gallery to learn more about body dysmorphic disorder and hear from those who live with it.

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