Hilarious celebrity quotes about marriage

Marriage is not easy!

Stars Insider

16/09/22 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Relationships

We all know that marriage is a real battle. It is hard to expect just one person to anticipate and fulfill your every need. We have very high expectations for marriage, but the reality is tough. However, when it does work, it can be rewarding beyond compare. The trick is to find ways to get through the lows of a relationship in order to wait until the next high comes along. With hard work, tolerance, and love, relationships can often be patched up.

It is hard to do alone, but the good news is you're not alone. Many people face the trials of marriage and so have some excellent advice to help you through. Even if you don't need any help, they'll definitely give you a bit of a laugh!

Click through to discover how these celebs handle marriage.

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