Actors who hated wearing their famous costumes

The amusing and agonizing stories behind these famous wardrobes

Stars Insider

21/01/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Curiosities

Part of the allure of cinema lies in the actor's ability to fully embody a character. However, this transformation sometimes extends beyond behavior and requires actors to undergo significant changes in their appearance, such as getting into top physical shape or gaining significant amounts of weight.

While physical transformations, like becoming more muscular, may have their perks, the real challenge lies in the costumes. In fact, some actors find the costumes to be extremely annoying, to put it mildly. Some would say downright torturous. Sitting through hours of exhausting makeup sessions or enduring unbearable heat and discomfort in full-body suits during long shooting days are just a few examples of the struggles that actors face.

Explore the gallery to discover which costumes actors disliked the most and the reasons behind their torment.

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