The most realistic healthy swaps for your junk food cravings

All the flavor for less sugar, calories, and money

Stars Insider

21/07/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Health

When you're trying to eat healthier, the hardest moments are when a craving hits. A craving wants what it wants, and it often won't be fooled by a lemon tea or some fruit. That's why when you're starting out on your fitness journey, it's important to be realistic about your goals and your methods of achieving them, or else you may end up bingeing as a result of too many restrictions, and you'll lose motivation before you even make any progress.

Fortunately, there are many viable alternatives to junk food cravings that will actually hit the spot, and you'll get some nutrition points too. Click through to see some realistic healthy swaps for those nagging junk food needs.

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