The most unbelievable things that have happened in a coma

From learning another language to losing and gaining addictions

Stars Insider

21/05/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Curiosity

A coma is a state of deep and prolonged unconsciousness in which a person can’t respond to normal stimuli like touch, light, or sound. The majority of cases are at least a couple of days, though with some examples it can be weeks, years, or even decades. This vegetative state is especially intriguing, however, because though your body slows, your mind continues to turn—and very strange and unbelievable things can happen.

People who have gone through the surreal experience of waking up from a coma have wild and varied tales of what happened, and they sometimes emerge with a new skill or a different taste, or even an entirely altered idea of the world. Click through to see some of the craziest, most bizarre things that have happened to people in a coma.

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