Should we be drinking raw milk? The facts you need to know

Why pasteurization protects health

Stars Insider

10/02/25 | StarsInsider


Proving yet again that the wellness industry can be as fickle as fashion when it comes to establishing new trends, those championing the practice of drinking milk straight from the cow have ended up with curd on their face. Even though parents whose children have become seriously ill after drinking raw milk campaign against it, health fanatics remain unmoved, insisting that raw milk boasts a range of benefits. But now, as the H5N1 avian flu virus continues to sweep through poultry flocks and dairy cattle across America, raw milk is once again in the spotlight.

Federal health officials insist that pasteurized milk remains safe to drink while consuming raw milk amid the bird flu outbreak is incredibly risky and potentially life-threatening.

Click through the gallery to explore the realities of this controversial trend. 

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