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Anti-depressant - Caffeine hits our Adenosine receptors, which are responsible for feelings of well being and euphoria. If you are used to drinking it and stop all of a sudden, you can feel a bit down. Try reducing the quantity before you stop completely.
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Stimulant - Caffeine also inhibits the neurotransmitter known as GABA, which is a kind of natural sedative. This is how caffeine's stimulant properties are defined. If you stop drinking coffee, you may feel less accelerated.
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- A study by the University of Bristol, in the UK, revealed that the buzz we get after drinking coffee is really a reaction to a lack of caffeine we were feeling before, so really we are just feeding our caffeine addiction.
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Painkiller - Caffeine narrows the blood vessels, fighting pain caused by arterial dilation, such as migraines. So, in the beginning, not drinking coffee may cause more headaches.
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Morphine - Coffee has a similar effect as morphine, reducing anxiety and pain. Not drinking it, can, in some cases, cause more stress.
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Female performance - Another study from the University Of Bristol noted that after drinking coffee, women deal better with stressful situations and work better in groups.
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Male performance - The same study showed that men make decisions faster and are less aggressive when they don't drink coffee.
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Stomach pain - Coffee also stimulates the production of gastric acid, which can irritate the stomach and cause pain and discomfort. This is why you may feel better if you change this habit.
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Kidneys - Caffeine also dilates the blood vessels in the kidneys and stimulates urine secretion. It can be a problem for those who drink coffee excessively.
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- Some say that if you stop drinking coffee, estrogen, the female hormone, will circulate for less time in the blood stream.
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Menstrual cycle - Some people believe that coffee may raise estrogen levels and cause changes in the menstrual cycle. So if you want to be regular, avoiding coffee may help.
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Breast pain
- These raised levels of estrogen may cause pain in the breasts.
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Smaller breasts
- The University of Lund, in Sweden, carried out a study that showed how caffeine changes estrogen levels in women, which can cause a reduction in breast size.
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Cardiovascular diseases
- Not drinking coffee can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases, as coffee has lots of polyphenols, natural anti-oxidants which inhibit the action of free radicals.
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Helps breathing - For people with respiratory problems like bronchitis or asthma, drinking coffee may be good. Caffeine provokes a rise in heart rate and causes dilation in the bronchi, facilitating breathing.
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Diabetes - A study from the University of Harvard concluded that coffee reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
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Eye on the scales - Giving up coffee may make a difference on the scales.
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Weight gain - Drinking coffee in excess may have the opposite effect, as it may raise levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), which is linked to weight gain.
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Cognitive impairments - Coffee is linked to a reduction of risk in cognitive impairments such as dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease.
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Trapped intestine
- Trips to the bathroom may become less frequent. Coffee releases gastrin, which increases colon function.
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Mind at peace - To keep a calm mind, reduce your coffee intake. A study carried out at the University of Durham in the UK revealed that people who consume at least 315 mg of caffeine per day were three times as likely to have hallucinations as people who consumed less.
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Bad breath - You may notice your breath change when you give up coffee, since some some of the substances in coffee can affect the balance of bacteria which in turn causes bad breath.
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Gym routine
- You may feel less motivation to go to the gym when you give up coffee. Coffee is a good stimulant when it comes to physical exercise as it stimulates parts of the brain and spinal cord, as well as providing extra energy and reducing pain.
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- A study published by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine mentioned caffeine as an enemy of a good night's sleep, especially when consumed in the afternoon or at night. See also: Can this medieval wellness guide teach us anything new?
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Anti-depressant - Caffeine hits our Adenosine receptors, which are responsible for feelings of well being and euphoria. If you are used to drinking it and stop all of a sudden, you can feel a bit down. Try reducing the quantity before you stop completely.
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Stimulant - Caffeine also inhibits the neurotransmitter known as GABA, which is a kind of natural sedative. This is how caffeine's stimulant properties are defined. If you stop drinking coffee, you may feel less accelerated.
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- A study by the University of Bristol, in the UK, revealed that the buzz we get after drinking coffee is really a reaction to a lack of caffeine we were feeling before, so really we are just feeding our caffeine addiction.
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Painkiller - Caffeine narrows the blood vessels, fighting pain caused by arterial dilation, such as migraines. So, in the beginning, not drinking coffee may cause more headaches.
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Morphine - Coffee has a similar effect as morphine, reducing anxiety and pain. Not drinking it, can, in some cases, cause more stress.
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Female performance - Another study from the University Of Bristol noted that after drinking coffee, women deal better with stressful situations and work better in groups.
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Male performance - The same study showed that men make decisions faster and are less aggressive when they don't drink coffee.
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Stomach pain - Coffee also stimulates the production of gastric acid, which can irritate the stomach and cause pain and discomfort. This is why you may feel better if you change this habit.
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Kidneys - Caffeine also dilates the blood vessels in the kidneys and stimulates urine secretion. It can be a problem for those who drink coffee excessively.
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- Some say that if you stop drinking coffee, estrogen, the female hormone, will circulate for less time in the blood stream.
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Menstrual cycle - Some people believe that coffee may raise estrogen levels and cause changes in the menstrual cycle. So if you want to be regular, avoiding coffee may help.
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Breast pain
- These raised levels of estrogen may cause pain in the breasts.
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Smaller breasts
- The University of Lund, in Sweden, carried out a study that showed how caffeine changes estrogen levels in women, which can cause a reduction in breast size.
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Cardiovascular diseases
- Not drinking coffee can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases, as coffee has lots of polyphenols, natural anti-oxidants which inhibit the action of free radicals.
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Helps breathing - For people with respiratory problems like bronchitis or asthma, drinking coffee may be good. Caffeine provokes a rise in heart rate and causes dilation in the bronchi, facilitating breathing.
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Diabetes - A study from the University of Harvard concluded that coffee reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
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Eye on the scales - Giving up coffee may make a difference on the scales.
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Weight gain - Drinking coffee in excess may have the opposite effect, as it may raise levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), which is linked to weight gain.
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Cognitive impairments - Coffee is linked to a reduction of risk in cognitive impairments such as dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease.
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Trapped intestine
- Trips to the bathroom may become less frequent. Coffee releases gastrin, which increases colon function.
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Mind at peace - To keep a calm mind, reduce your coffee intake. A study carried out at the University of Durham in the UK revealed that people who consume at least 315 mg of caffeine per day were three times as likely to have hallucinations as people who consumed less.
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Bad breath - You may notice your breath change when you give up coffee, since some some of the substances in coffee can affect the balance of bacteria which in turn causes bad breath.
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Gym routine
- You may feel less motivation to go to the gym when you give up coffee. Coffee is a good stimulant when it comes to physical exercise as it stimulates parts of the brain and spinal cord, as well as providing extra energy and reducing pain.
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- A study published by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine mentioned caffeine as an enemy of a good night's sleep, especially when consumed in the afternoon or at night. See also: Can this medieval wellness guide teach us anything new?
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The surprising effects of quitting coffee on your body
What happens to your body if you stop drinking coffee?
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Many studies have been carried out on the effects of the substances in coffee on the human body, often with contradictory results. For many people, coffee is a necessary weapon to help them fight their way through the day, but we don't necessarily understand how it affects us apart from waking us up.
Check out the gallery and find out just how coffee affects our body!

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