Famous actors who are also musicians

These Hollywood stars are also musically minded

Stars Insider

11/02/25 | StarsInsider


It takes a lot of creativity and hard work to become good at any art form.

Either onstage or on-screen, acting is a very demanding job. What we see in a play or a movie is the final result of numerous hours of hard work and dedication. Actors often work long hours, and immerse themselves completely in their roles. Many times, this process takes all their energy and there’s not much more an actor can do, other than perform to the best of their ability.

While this is the reality for many actors, particularly in-demand Hollywood stars, some of these talented people have found another way of getting their creative juices flowing—through music.

Many noted film and television stars have harmonized their on-screen careers with musicality, resulting in varying degrees of success. From talented singers to proficient instrument players, many actors and actresses prove that talent can be transposed into other art forms.

Some of these stars have taken their roles to the next level and actually sung in movies they starred in, while others have put bands together, toured, and even released albums. Some of these, in fact, have had quite a  successful career in music.

In this gallery you’ll find many familiar faces who dabbled into music. Some of them you might know, but some others will definitely surprise you.

Scroll through the gallery to find out who’s been playing a different tune.

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