Murderous mementos: the trophies of famous serial killers

What horrifying souvenirs did they take from their victims?

Stars Insider

08/05/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE True crime

In the context of a murder, a "trophy" is an item that the killer takes from the victim as a souvenir of the crime. The FBI differentiates in their definition of these two words, classifying a souvenir as something that fuels the killer's fantasy, while a trophy is proof of their skill. Regardless, the result is the same: the murderer uses these objects to relive the thrill of the crime and feel powerful again.

Many of the most famous serial killers in history took items from their victims, either to treasure as a keepsake or to repurpose for some other grisly function. Each sick mind comes up with its own reasoning for hoarding these objects, but the habit is almost universal among serial killers.

Click through the following gallery to find out what macabre souvenirs these murderers took from their victims.

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