IQ Ranking: The smartest US presidents

Who do you think has the highest IQ?

Stars Insider

06/05/24 | StarsInsider


While it's generally understood now that someone's intelligence can't be reduced to a number, IQ tests can still shine a light on the inner workings of someone's mind, especially if it's impossible to talk to them personally. It's only natural to wonder how figures from history would have scored, and considering the IQ test was only invented in 1905, that leaves quite a few historical figures to speculate on. In 2006, Dean Simonton, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, let his curiosity get the best of him and conducted a study to assign IQ scores to all the US presidents from George Washington all the way up to George W. Bush. 

How do you think the presidents of the United States scored? Read on to find out.

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